Este tópico serve para tornar público no campeonato os recursos dos pilotos e julgamentos respectivos. Os recursos e decisões serão publicados no idioma original. Este tema es para que se queden publicados todas apelaciones de pilotos y sus respectivos juicios o sentencias. Las apelaciones y juicios serán publicadas en el idioma original. This topic is created to make public all the drivers apeals and sentences provided. Apeals and decisions will become public on original language.
Hi. I Started in first round WROC and I've big, very big problem with my physics. My name ist KUDLA Mateusz, I'm from Poland. I'm starting in Clio S1600 and on first Special stages my car drive very badly. In enclosure to email is replay from first SS. My car on this set-up and dry tarmac tyres never been unpredictable. I'm finished SS2, repair my car in service and started to SS3. On SS3 my car drive normal, better than SS1. I'm not finished SS3 because I think that you requested my start.
WROC Admin:
This was supposed to happen.
The first stage was raced on DAMP surface, so dry tarmac tyres really made it hard to drive.
I myself raced early today and had a very bad time on first 2 stages, even though i had chosen intermediate tyres. The driving was awfull to me. The car just could not stay on track because the damp surface ended up being terrible to drive on.
I see that on the second stage you got the best time so far. So i am sure that there was no physic problems. In my opinion it was nothing more than a wrong tyre choice for the 1st stage. Try it on the shakedown mode and you will see how bad your car handles with dry tyres on damp surface.
Finally, I see on temporary results that on the 3rd stage you had the best 1st split so far, which tells me you were driving well. I see also that you had about 37% of the stage clear when yout stopped racing. This is the reason why i can not give you the request for tournament reset. because i will never be sure of what made you stop.
I know it is hard to take a "Did not Finish" result on the first race, but rules are to be followed. And it says on or rules book, item 36: "36. No request for tournament reset is allowed. The requests will be ignored."
That is the reason why we decided to desconsider the worst result of the championship, according to rule item 4.1., which says: "4.1. The champion of WROC 2008 in each class will be the driver who gets more points considering only the 12 best results out of the 13 rounds of the championship (remember that round 3 counts as 2 rounds - 3A and 3B). It means that the worst result that the driver gets during the championship will be automaticaly desconsidered by the organization at the end of the year."
Because of all these reasons i inform you that your request will be denied. As well as a lot of requests that will certainly come to us will be denied too.
But this is no reason to be sad. Not finishing is certainly the worst result you can get on the season and therefore this first round should not count to your championship according to rule number 4.1. of the rule book.
Hola recien termino de correr el rally y no estoy deacuerdo con una penalización de 45 seg en Sumaré: Joux Verte (etapa 4), subi la repetición para que observen. En ningun momento quito las 4 ruedas del coche de la carretera, sólo tire el freno de mano y la trompa arrastro la cuerda interna de la curva, si prestas atención en la repeticion que subi a la pagina checa las ruedas traseras en ningun momento tocan el pasto. Desde mi punto de vista
lo justo sería me sacaran los 45 segundos quedo a esperas de una respuesta. Saludos Juan Brusasca Cordoba Argentina RT piloto subaru wrc 05
WROC Admin:
Después de mucho discutirmos, hemos decidido que no haberá ninguna possibilidad de revisión de las repeticiones para nadie. Es que el criterio del plugin muestrase objetivo al contrario de lo que pasa con la verificación personal en la cual cada juzgador de repetición tiene un juicio proprio. También se lo ha considerado que la revisión personal de las repeticiones nos ocupará demasiado tiempo para obtener las mismas penalidades (generalmente) que el plugin ponese automaticamente. Y más: todos de la organización están tanbién participando como pilotos, lo que puede hacer con que los juicios de penalidad sean motivados por la calificacion actual del juzgador. Para que no tengamos tentaciones y errores subjetivos, decidimos mantener el sistema de penas automatica del plugin.
Desgraciadamente sugerimos a todos los pilotos que manteganse en la carretera porque es mejor manejar su coche lentamente y perderse 5 o 10 segundos que manejar lo más rapido posible e ponerse una pena de 45 o 75 segundos.
Aún asi, yo he mirado la repeticion y por lo menos 2 vezes puedese ver que tú has puesto el coche totalmente nel pasto. Aún que por solo 1 o 2 centímetros. Por ejemplo, el primero "hairping right" que hay, tú estuviste totalmente fuera de la carretera. Se miras las marcas de los neumáticos veras que los quatro neumaticos estuvieron fuera de la carretera. Los mismo ocurre en el ultimo "harpin right wide out" de la primera seccion, antes de la carreta tener ancho mayor. Pero esto no ha ejercido influencia en nuestro juicio.
Lo siento por mantener la pena y deseo mejor suerte adelante. This apeal was about a penalty that the plugin put autmaticaly on Juan Brusasca because he got a shortcut. On his apeal he requests a review of the raplay mentioning that at no time he had his car 100% off track. The organizer´s decision was that NO PENALTIES WILL BE REVIEWED OR REJUDGED. If the plugin gives the driver a penalty, it will stand no matter what!!!
RuiSirgado: sera que podia trocar de carro para a terceira etapa??? o carro que desejava correr é o vw polo S1600 avisem-me se posso trocar ou nao de carro Login: RuiSirgado abraço
WROC Admin: Decidimos que é possível mudar de carro, apenas quando a mudança ocasionar também a mudança de categoria. Isso significa que você começará na 3a etapa com zero pontos na categoria S1600 e de Vw Polo. A partir daí não poderá mais mudar. Também fica proibido aos outros pilotos mudar de carro dentro da mesma categoria. O que equivale a dizer que você não poderá mais voltar à WRC nem tampouco usar outro S1600, ok?
Rui Sirgado asked to change his wrc car into a S1600 one. The organization has decided to allow all drivers to change their cars only ONCE. But the car change must result into changing car class too, restarting from zero points. IN THE SAME CLASS NO CAR CHANGES WILL BE ALLOWED
Fui jogar agora e acabei não escolhendo o meu carro certo. Corro com um Subaru Impreza N12 e se querer deixei no Citroen Xsara. Nem larguei, fechei o jogo e vim direto aqui no e-mail pedir um request. Tudo certo?
Obrigado pela atenção
WROC Admin: Considerando que o seu resultado na etapa consta como "não começou a primeira especial" (Did not start SS1) consideramos que você não chegou a largar e que não tirou vantagem alguma do pedido de reset. Por isso, decidimos que será possível SOMENTE para os pilotos que constem como "did not start SS1" pedir o reset. O seu já foi liberado pelo site. é só correr. Boa Sorte. E cuidado com a escolha do carro nas próximas.
The "request for tournament reset" will only be allowed to those drivers whose status is "did not start SS1". No other requests will be provided
MALECKI Arkadiusz: hello i got one question about my car in WROC. I must start only in subaru impreza n12?? i can't started in difrent model of impreza?? i start in n11, and... you delete my on last rally:( sorry for my english:)
There, you will find item 5.2.2 rules that is important in your case. It reads:
5.2.2. When subscription and car choice is done it will be only allowed to change vehicules if one new car becomes avaliable at czech plugin or the chosen car become unaccepted by the czech plugin.
This rule says it is not allowed to change your car, except if new cars become avaliable at plugin.
In 2007 we had some drivers who registered in one car and raced the first round in other car. So we decided (not to disqualify then) to consider valid the car used on the first race more then the car informed on the registering e-mail. And it is exactly your case this year.
Your register was sent choosing Subaru N12. So I expected you to race in N12 in first round. Bur you chose N11 (which is another car). But we decided not to disqualify you. Instead we reconsidered your registering as if you had registered to race on N11.
This way Subaru N11 became your car for the championship. When you raced 2nd round with N12 you changed your car and you got disqualified. So, officialy your car for the Championship remains being Subaru N11.
But, your case is an exception, because your register e-mail mentioned Subaru N12 and your disqualification was for racing on Subaru N12. This sounded really strange. Because of that I will make you the following offer.
1) Considering your register e-mail metioned your car as being Subaru N12
2) Considering you raced first round on Subaru N11 and was not disqualified because it was a car-choosing race (any car could be chosen, assuming you would use this car for the rest of the season)
3) Considering you raced round 2 on subaru N12 (which was the right car as you registered by e-mail)
I decided
a) to give you an opportunity to especify which car among subaru N12 or Subaru N11 you would like to use for the rest of the season
b) Your disqualification will not be revoked. But instead you will be given the opportunity to choose the car that you are really going to raced the rest of the season.
So, please reply this e-mail informing which car you will use on round 3. This car must be used on all following events.
It is important that you understand this: If you reply us saying you prefer Subaru N12, you will have to drive it until the end of the year. The same happens if you reply saying you prefer to race on subaru N11.
I wait for you answer to re-register you with either N12 or N11, ok?
Thank you for your comprehension
MALECKI Arkadiusz: Resposta ainda por vir Respuesta aún no enviada Reply yet to come
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