Acabei agora o rally. Nas primeiras SSs eu estava bem cauteloso com medo de arrebentar o carro, pois ele estav derrapando muito. Perdi muito tempo com isso. Depois da ss10 qdo eu dei uma melhorada, na SS11 porrei uma arvore de lado e fiquei preso numa vala. Pedi ajuda aos moleques q estavam passando e perdi muito tempo. Mas valeu. Pelo menos cheguei vivo e acho q da pra pegar uns pontinhos.
No, what I mean is that, according to the czech plugin rules, you can't receive cups if the tournament had password or damage was off (something like that).
"2.1.2. The cars admitted in PRODUCTION Class are all those that in the czech plugin belong to the Group/Class N4 and S2000."
So yes, N4 and S2000 cars are together in one class, as it was in the PWRC until last year, and as it still is in the IRC. ________________________________ Now I see it)))
During the race I did not photograph much, because sometimes I have problems with the game. I do not want to risk once again)))but i did some photos.replays automatically saved.I'll send you the files in a few days. ?)
laska, se tu tiver um tempo dah uma olhada na classificação do wroc na production, tem dois bruno kruger, sohh q ehh o mesmo heheheheh. quando tu tiver um tempo dah uma conferida lahh. vlw alexandre.
"2.1.2. The cars admitted in PRODUCTION Class are all those that in the czech plugin belong to the Group/Class N4 and S2000."
So yes, N4 and S2000 cars are together in one class, as it was in the PWRC until last year, and as it still is in the IRC. ________________________________ Now I see it)))
During the race I did not photograph much, because sometimes I have problems with the game. I do not want to risk once again)))but i did some photos.replays automatically saved.I'll send you the files in a few days. ?)
Ok, just send the replays and it´s ok. Call your team members that participated to send them too.
This, year, we start the experience project to divulgate more the WROC.
Laska, Marcelo,
To no IRC do RBR, e detalhe to usando texturas dos caras sem problemas, as Speciais da Franã ficaram com outros ares usando as texturas deles. Detalhe! tem que fazer backup da pasta Maps.
Vou preparar o material e colocar com os links no blog. ok.
Opa, mas que tipo de "ares" que fica com a textura que eles usam?
Isso que é ruim fazer back up da pasta maps. mas se for interessante se puder poste imagens para termos uma ideia antes de instalarmos e realizar os testes.